How Gladeo aligns to Title I, Part A
Gladeo is designed to be used in Title I schools and surrounding communities for the basic purpose for which Title I was created—to give all children, regardless of family income, the opportunity and support to achieve or exceed proficiency on challenging state academic standards.
Gladeo’s career development courses expose students to research-based career development strategies. These strategies include incorporating diverse narratives, personality and interest assessments, detailed career progression maps, resume and cover letter assistance, and networking into our Virtual Career Development Course.
Gladeo carefully interweaves and supports the ASCA (American School Counselor Association) National Student Standards (Competencies and Indicators) and ASCA Student Standards: Mindsets and Behaviors for Student Success into our courses and platform.
Gladeo understands that historically underrepresented students often face limited career development opportunities, struggle to find relatable role models, and lack access to career guidance mentors. Gladeo’s courses address these barriers by helping students align their aspirations with their educational choices, introducing them to similar identity career role model narratives, raising students’ awareness of desirable career paths, and by presenting a clear, attainable, education-dependent path to achieving those career goals.
Gladeo’s standards-based reporting provides valuable insight into student, school, and district-level performance and alignment with ASCA standards, allowing educators to monitor student progress and manage the impact of Gladeo on student academic achievement. Reports track usage, progress, and engagement, including duration of time spent on each module and completion rates. Pre and post surveys track students’ progress, identify areas of growth, and evaluate the effectiveness of the program's ability to enhance students’ career awareness and readiness.
Gladeo’s self-paced and self-guided courses and platform are flexibly designed to work in multiple settings to support students’ career development. Gladeo’s product can be implemented in before- and after-school programs, in summer enrichment courses, through the core curriculum in a classroom setting, in library, advisory, homeroom, or elective classes, and at home for extension and reinforcement.
Gladeo supports Title I teachers, counselors, and educators by equipping them with tools and resources to help students understand and navigate the dynamic world of work, ensuring that every student receives the guidance and support they need to excel in their chosen careers.
Gladeo encourages and supports family engagement, a requirement of Title I funding, by providing home access to courses and fostering collaborative career discussions and explorations between students and their families.